Thanksgiving Is a Wonderful Time to Attract Clients

ThanksgivingThanksgiving is a holiday of polar opposites. It’s one of the most sentimental times of the year and the start of a mad buying frenzy. It’s a day to be with loved ones and a time to scour stores and websites for the best deals.

How do you compete with that?
You’re not alone. Many energy healers just don’t know. Besides offering gift certificates, they usually don’t have any idea how to market to attract clients during the busy holiday season.

For this holiday, the best way to attract clients is by giving and thanking. Here are three simple ideas that will profoundly impact your clients.

Three Thanksgiving Marketing Ideas to Attract Attention

When it comes to things you can do to help attract more clients to your healing practice, Thanksgiving is a great time to get creative and sentimental.

  1. Create a free ‘how to’ survive Thanksgiving guide.

    Everyone loves freebies. Put together a ‘how to’ survive guide customized around your healing practice. As an example:

    If your healing practice centers around body or energy work, type up a one-page guide on ‘how to’ deal with stress and care for your body, mind, and soul during Thanksgiving.

    If your healing practice involves herbals or aromatherapy, share with your clients the best herbs, tinctures, or oils that will sooth, invigorate, or sustain them this month.

    If your healing practice is therapeutic touch, make up an infographic that shows your clients how they can do self-massage or use their body meridians to sooth and calm themselves between sessions.

    Last month I talked about making a large images (735 pixels x 1102 pixels) as a visual representation for you to post on Pinterest. You can also use it as a handout for clients after their service, send it out as an email blast, and Tweet about it on Twitter.

  2. Launch a Thanksgiving game on the web.

    Last month, I introduced you to ‘the great pumpkin hunt.’ This month will be the ‘the great Turkey hunt.’ The great Turkey hunt is a takeoff from the Easter egg hunt.

    Hide turkeys on strategic pages on your website – those you’d like your visitors to see and read – and ask your visitors to find them. Hiding Pilgrim’s hats, cornucopias, or pumpkins would be fun, too.

    Not only does it get people to ‘crawl’ your website and see what you’re offering, it gives them a way to have fun. Announce this event on Twitter and Facebook with a link to your website. Then award a free prize to the first person to get the correct number. Make it a prize particular to your services.

  3. Send a heart felt ‘Namaste’ thank you note.

    Not for their business!

    For them as the wonderful souls that they are – Namaste.

    Thanksgiving is the perfect time to say thank you to your clients. Let them know you care about them with a short email, direct mail thank you note hand written by you, or even an online card with a personal message.

    Clients know how much time it takes to write out thank you notes. They will be impressed that you’ve taken the time to do so. After all, they’re busy, too.

Thanksgiving will be soon upon us and it’s time to plan your marketing strategy. For this holiday, the best way to attract clients is by giving and thanking. These three simple ideas will profoundly impact your clients and make you feel good, too.


P.S. Are you struggling with finding new clients?

I offer a few free client attraction strategy sessions each month by app (Skype or Zoom) or email.

If you want a spot, send me an email with your timezone and preferred app or email to: or
DM me on Twitter @Your_HealingBiz